Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cuil - The Next "Google Killer"?

Cuil - The Next "Google Killer"?
With the recent press about Cuil, the latest "Google-Killer Search Engine", it seems that we've forgotten the lessons from the late 90s. Cuil's claim to fame appears to be:

It was founded by Ex-Googlers
They claim to have a larger web-page index than Google
The first point is somewhat interesting, but not exactly a path to success. As for the second point, I'd like to say: (1) How do you know that? (2) What does that mean? (3) So?

How Do You Know That?

Google doesn't release the size of its index.

What Does That Mean?

How did they count the size of Google's index? If two urls have identical content, are those the same page? What if the content is merely very similar? Suppose the only difference is that Google isn't indexing the duplicate pages (or, say, the spammy pages), does it matter that Cuil's index is bigger?


Bigger isn't better. I thought we'd learned that back in the late 90s. For most queries, it doesn't matter if the search engine returns 30 results or 1000. You' generally don't go past the 3rd page. What really matters is the ranking of the pages. If the page you wanted is on the 15th page, it might as well not be there at all.

How Cuil Actually Stacks Up:


Pros: Slick and pretty. The content drill down is nice - although it doesn't always display relevant things. I also like having the page numbers locked at the bottom so that I don't have to scroll.
Cons: Ranking of results is unclear. There's 3 columns and the rows don't line up with each other. When I'm trying to actually find a good page, I'm not sure where to read.

Speed, Reliability, Performance

Pros: Speedy
Cons: Searches frequently fail. I got "no results" when I tried searching for "Google Talk". I tried the same search a second time and it worked.

Search Result Quality

Selection Criteria for Sample Queries: All queries were selected from my Google Web History, and were queries in which I was attempting to answer a question.

Query #1 (an error I am getting with Google App Engine): error 403 cpu quota exceeded
Cuil: No Results
Yahoo: #1 Result is Google App Engine article about it
Google: #1 Result is a Google Group question about this. #3 (or #5) is the Google App Engine article
Winner: with Google as a close second.
Answer: Common Error. Try using python's profiling.

Query #2: send pdf to kindle
Cuil: Show articles mentioning that you can do this, but not telling me how.
Yahoo: #1 Result is a discussion about it.
Google: #1 Result is a link to Amazon explaining how to do this.
Winner: Google
Answer: Your Kindle has an email address that you email the pdf to.

Query #3: 99 luftballoons translation
Cuil: #1 Result is a translation
Yahoo: #1 Result is someone asking for a translation
Google: #1 Result is a translation
Winner: Cuil & Google (tie).
Answer: It's about war. And red balloons. :-)

Query #4: "imagine no religion" billboard seattle
Cuil: No results
Yahoo: #1 Result is blog post mentioning it. #2 Result is press release about it.
Google: #1 Result is press release about it. #2 Result is blog post mentioning it.
Winner: Google, with Yahoo as a close second
Answer: This billboard was put up by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Query #5: percent female math majors in US
Cuil: No results
Yahoo: #1 is a seemingly-relevant but dead link. #2 also seems relevant, but not a direct answer. #3 is about carbon monoxide levels at death. Hmm...
Google: #1 is related article that contains an answer to the question. #2 is a very relevant study, and the summary (which is as far as I read) indirectly answers the question. #3 is about a particular school's gender ratio.
Winner: Google.
Answer: 48% of math majors in the US are female.
Bonus Query: cuil

Cuil: Nothing even remotely related to the search engine.
Yahoo: #1 result is the search engine.
Google: #1 result is the search engine.
Winner: Google and Yahoo. Poor Cuil...
Answer: Google and Yahoo both know what Cuil is (as well as what each other). Cuil, sadly, does not.


While Cuil may claim to have a larger search index, the number of "no result" searches certainly suggest lesser web coverage. The flashy interface is mostly just that - flashy. It's pretty, but the three column layout leave your eyes wandering all over the page unsure of which result is meant to be the most relevant. A more cynical person might even suggest that the three column layout helps mask the fact that Cuil may not know an appropriate ranking.

If you want to get real traction as yet-another-search-engine, you'd better attack a different market from Google (or Baidu in China, or Yahoo in Japan, etc) or you'd better be substantially better than Google. Just being better isn't good enough, and Cuil has a long way to go even on that end.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

New MySQL Version is available

Drizzle is a newly announced fork of the open source MySQL project. The developers of the project are taking MySQL back to its roots as a light-weight web application database by removing many of the features introduced in MySQL 5. The fifth version of MySQL was in development for years as some users demanded features such as views, stored procedures, transaction handling, clustering and more. The early releases were bulkier and not as stable as the ultra-popular version 4 of MySQL, and now somebody has forked the codebase into a new project to take the database server back to what it was.

For most web application developers, only a basic database system is required. The original popularity of MySQL was because of its simplicity and ease of use. Postgres was always a full-featured open source database server that offered all the enterprise features of competing commercial systems. MySQL was a lighter alternative which was easy to install and learn, but a lot of that simplicity was lost as the development of MySQL progressed towards competing in the enterprise.

Drizzle would seem to have an instant user audience and developer base amongst those longing for the old MySQL. These developers are likely low to medium-end web application developers using a scripting environment and don’t require or don’t need an advanced database system. MySQL was a key part of the default LAMP stack that pioneered simple web application development which went on to open a whole new market. While MySQL 5 can be componentized and customized, developers seeking a smaller and lighter-weight database can revert to Drizzle, at least until the MySQL team see the demand and offer something themselves.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Facebook Responds To MySpace With Facebook Connect

Facebook will announce later today Facebook Connect, which has similar functionality to MySpace Data Availability, announced just yesterday. The actual product won’t be released for at least a few weeks, so the timing on this, coming immediately after MySpace, is somewhat suspicious.

It is essentially a new version of their API for third party websites, which was first launched in August 2006.

It will allow users to “connect” their Facebook identity, friends and privacy to any website. Third party websites will be able to implement and offer more features of the Facebook Platform off of Facebook – the same features available to third party applications today on Facebook.

To make data portable, Facebook believes it’s about giving users the ability to take their identity and friends with them around the Web, while being able to trust that their information is always up to date and always protected by their privacy settings. The next iteration will be available publicly within the next several weeks.

One of their initial launch partners will be Digg.

I spoke with Ben Ling, Director Platform Product Marketing, and Ruchi Sanghai, Product Manager for Facebook Platform, this afternoon about the upcoming changes.

Facebook Connect has four primary features:

Trusted Authentication – Anywhere during the user’s experience that the developer would like to add social context, the user will be able to authenticate and connect their account in a trusted environment. The user will have total control of the permissions granted. This is a proprietary authentication mechanism, but is more streamlined than the existing method and will not require a redirect back to Facebook.

Real Identity – Users can bring their real identity information with them wherever they go on the open Web, including: basic profile information, profile picture, name, friends, photos, events, groups, and more.

Friends Access – Users will be able to take their friends with them wherever they go on the open Web. Developers will be able to add rich social context to their websites, and will be able to show which of their Facebook friends already have accounts on their sites.

Dynamic Privacy – As a user moves around the open Web, their privacy settings will follow, ensuring that users’ information and privacy rules are always up-to-date.
Facebook connect is Facebook’s first honest attempt to allow access to Facebook user data outside of Facebook itself. The company is describing it as giving third party applications access to much of the same data as Facebook applications have today. We’ll know more in a couple of weeks when it formally launches.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Search and Replace in Oracle

Suppose you want to update String value of a column based on search and replace, you can use Replace function of Oracle. It takes 3 parameters as follows.
1. Column name you are interested in to find and replace values of
2. Search String
3. Replacement String

for example, you can update the values of all names if they contain 'Ram' in themselves by 'Shyam'.

update user_account set user_name = replace(user_name, 'Ram','Shyam');
This will first search all user_names for 'Ram' and then updates them with String 'Shyam';

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Know IP address of machine on Solaris

You can use host command to know the IP address of your host machine.

$host devzone-ajaved
devzone-ajaved has address

for further informations on name server lookup, you can use nslookup command
as follows

$nslookup devzone-ajaved


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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Microsoft Acquires Data Optimization Provider Zoomix

Zoomix, an Isreali-based company that provides a data optimization and acceleration layer for storage engines, has confirmed today that they have been acquired by Microsoft for an undisclosed amount. The primary product from Zoomix is the Accelerator, a data server that normalizes, links and synchronizes data without requiring user specification or input. It learns from your data sets and associates objects and records that may be related, so its primary goal is to not only clean up data but to automate the mundane tasks that often fall onto DBMs or BA’s.

Microsoft will integrate the tech and R&D team at Zoomix into their existing data team in Israel. Microsoft plan on integrating the technology from Zoomix Accelerator into SQL Server as part of a broader strategy in developing SQL Server into more than just an RDBM but rather a complete data storage and management platform. Microsoft recently confirmed that SQL Server 2008 will be released to manufacturing in August, after being available in release candidate status since January.

SQL Server 2008 integrates the new Always On technology, a clustering and failover technology aimed to increase the reliability of SQL Server and increase its penetration potential within medium and higher end enterprise customers. SQL Server now also supports multiple new data types at both the storage level (with binary BLOB’s) and higher structure level (XML sets and particular data types such as email, calendar entries, and more). The new features of SQL Server 2008, along with incorporated technologies such as those from Zoomix, are forming the foundations of a solid set of data products from Microsoft.

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which process is using a specific port

how to check which process is using a specific port on your linux server.

"lsof -i :"

For example to see which process is using port 80 simply enter

"lsof -i :80" (without the quotes of course)

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

AOL to launch Platform-A

Its raining networks in India
from TechnoTrail by Rajat

AOL is all set to launch Platform-A in August or September.
In the process, which is part of Platform-A, will make its Indian debut.

Invizi Ad Network, has been launched by Games2Win, with adSense like model for in game advertising.

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Google Ad Manager for publishers

Google has launched (in beta) hosted ad management solution for publishers-AdManager,the solution helps deliver and optimize ad inventory for both directly sold and network based inventory (including adSense) and yes its free.

Another player in the same space is OpenAds now known as OpenX ,which at the moment is not a hosted solution."

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Detect invisible users on Yahoo

Detect invisible users on Yahoo

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Exporting the results of a sql query in HTML format

set termout off
set markup HTML ON HEAD " -
<style type='text/css'> -
body {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} -
p { font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} -
table,tr,td {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:Black; background:#f7f7e7; -
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; white-space:nowrap;} -
th { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#336699; background:#cccc99; -
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} -
h1 { font:16pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; -
border-bottom:1px solid #cccc99; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} -
h2 { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; -
margin-top:4pt; margin-bottom:0pt;} a {font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#663300; -
background:#ffffff; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; vertical-align:top;} -
</style> -
<title>&1</title>" -
BODY "" -
TABLE "border='1' align='center' summary='Script output'" -
spool AhsanJaved.html
prompt &1
clear buffer
1 &1

spool off
set markup html off spool off
host start AhsanJaved.html
set termout on

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Formatting the output of a sql query in HTML

set termout off
set markup HTML ON HEAD " -
<style type='text/css'> -
body {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} -
p { font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} -
table,tr,td {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:Black; background:#f7f7e7; -
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; white-space:nowrap;} -
th { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#336699; background:#cccc99; -
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} -
h1 { font:16pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; -
border-bottom:1px solid #cccc99; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} -
h2 { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; -
margin-top:4pt; margin-bottom:0pt;} a {font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#663300; -
background:#ffffff; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; vertical-align:top;} -
</style> -
<title>SQL*Plus Report</title>" -
BODY "" -
TABLE "border='1' align='center' summary='Script output'" -
spool AhsanJaved.html
spool off
set markup html off spool off
host start AhsanJaved.html
set termout on

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Script to return the output of a sql query in CSV Format

set linesize 2000
alter session set nls_date_format ='dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
set termout off feedback off colsep ,
--column buy_id clear
column log_file clear
--column load_status clear
column load_date clear
column load_comment clear
--column load_count clear
--column buy_id format 10
column log_file format a20
--column load_status format 5
column load_date format a20
column load_comment format a20
--column load_count format 10
clear buffer
prompt &1
prompt &2
spool &1
2 &2
--column buy_id clear
column log_file clear
--column load_status clear
column load_date clear
column load_comment clear
--column load_count clear
spool off
set colsep " "
set termout on feedback on

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Cleaning up a schema in Oracle

FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT table_name, constraint_name
FROM user_constraints
WHERE constraint_type = 'R') LOOP
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE ' || cur_rec.table_name || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || cur_rec.constraint_name;
FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT object_name, object_type
FROM user_objects) LOOP
IF cur_rec.object_type != 'DATABASE LINK' THEN
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP ' || cur_rec.object_type || ' ' || cur_rec.object_name;
execute immediate 'purge recyclebin';

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command to know the command

command to know the command for given pid

ps -eaf | grep 28885

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command to know the full command

command to know the full command for given pid

/usr/ucb/ps awwx | grep

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Know the all arguments for a command

command to know the all arguments for a command for given pid
ps -eaf | pargs -a

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Using import and export command on oracle.

to export and import one schema to another schema.(All schemas should be present already. It will not create new schema, it will create only schema objects and fill their data into objects.)

1. open cmd and type
EXP {schema you want to export from} FILE=exp_database.dmp COMPRESS=N CONSISTENT=N CONSTRAINTS=Y GRANTS=Y INDEXES=Y RECORD=Y ROWS=Y Feedback=1000 LOG=exp_database.log

for example
EXP ahsan_apr/welcome@adapp FILE=exp_database.dmp COMPRESS=N CONSISTENT=N CONSTRAINTS=Y GRANTS=Y INDEXES=Y RECORD=Y ROWS=Y Feedback=1000 LOG=exp_database.log

This will export all tables to a new dump file called exp_database.dmp

To export the selected tables to dump file
EXP {schema you want to export from} FILE=exp_database.dmp tables=TFR_MEDIA_DIM,TFR_SITE_DIM COMPRESS=N CONSISTENT=N CONSTRAINTS=Y GRANTS=Y INDEXES=Y RECORD=Y ROWS=Y Feedback=1000 LOG=exp_database.log

This will export selected tables TFR_MEDIA_DIM and TFR_SITE_DIM to a new dump file called exp_database.dmp

To export only a subset of rows use
EXP {schema you want to export from} FILE=exp_database.dmp tables=TFR_MEDIA_DIM COMPRESS=N CONSISTENT=N CONSTRAINTS=Y GRANTS=Y INDEXES=Y RECORD=Y ROWS=Y Feedback=1000 LOG=exp_database.log QUERY=\"WHERE id \> 13\".

Make sure you escape special char properly with \ because this will be translated into

2. open cmd and type
IMP userid={schema you want to import data to} fromuser={schema you exported data from} touser={schema you want to import data to} file=exp_database.dmp

for example
IMP userid=ahsan_report/welcome@orcl fromuser=ahsan_apr touser=ahsan_report file=exp_database.dmp

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Which port is being used by which command

command to know which port is being used by which command

/usr/bin/ps -ef -o pid -o args | egrep -v "grep|pfiles"

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Passing argument to java files through sh file

use $1 and $2 etc in sh file such as
inside write

java -cp ./lib/abc.jar com.test.myetes.NoadLoader $1 $2

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How to make a cron job

Cronjobs can be declared using default crontab editor

This will first set the default editor to vi

and then execute
crontab -e
this will open the default crontab editor.

You can now add few lines to it that will be your cron jobs
20 04 * * * /mnt/users/ajaved/ >> /mnt/users/ajaved/test.log 2>&1

This will basically be executing each 04:20 AM on each day each week and each month, and writes the ouput to a file called test.log present in the same directory. It also appends the error to the same file if any.

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How much space a directory and its contents are taking up

Need to know how much space a directory and its contents are taking up on your UNIX system? Here’s what I use

du -ksh directory

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Enable remote debugging in Java

Use following arguments in front of your java command

-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005

It will start remote debugging at port 5005. Now you can connect to this port using any IDE of Java

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for executing a script file from sqlplus

for executing a script file from sqlplus we use @ meta character on sqlplus as follows



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command to know java processes running on a machine

Sun has introduced a new command to know the java process running in the system.

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starting vnc server on solaris

use vncserver command to start with depth and geometry parameters

vncserver -depth 24 -geometry 1280x1024

this will start a vncserver at some random ports and from hereon you can use that port to connect to this vncserver

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To view and save the output from a command at the same time:

Tee command is used to take the output of one command as its own input and pass it to a new file like

lint program.c | tee -a program.lint

It will take the output of lint command as its own input and will append the output to a file called program.lint

-a option is used for appending. You can remove this if you want it to override the previous contents of the program.lint file

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To View the SQL Being executed in Ibatis.

To View the SQL Being executed in Ibatis.
Use's getSql() method in Ibatis.jar. This method gives you the sql being executed by the ibatis data mapper after all the dynamic elements have been replaced.

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To see explain plan of oracle query

There are two ways to view explain plan

1. Go to sql prompt

set autotrace traceonly explain
select 1 from dual
set autotrace off

2. Go to sql prompt
select 1 from dual

and then select from DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY table that stores the explain plan for last executed query


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To view table storage size of all tables in schema

sz varchar2(100);
for i in (select table_name from user_tables) loop
select bytes/1024/1024 into sz from user_segments where segment_name=i.table_name;
dbms_output.put_line(i.table_name || ':' || sz || 'MB');
end loop;

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Printing the lines that does not contain a pattern

printing the lines that does not contain a pattern use -v option like

ggrep -v 'ahsan'

it will print all the lines where ahsan is not present

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Passing regular expression to grep

ggrep -E 'abc|def'

-E is used for regex and inside quotes you can pass any regex.

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To view all table rows count in a stored procedure

set head on
set echo on
a number;
str varchar2(500);
for i in (select table_name from user_tables) loop
str:='select count(*) from ' || i.table_name;
execute immediate str into a;
dbms_output.put_line(i.table_name || ':' || a);
end loop;

table name can not be dynamic in select c1,c2..from . Use the above approach instead.

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Jprofiler setup on solaris

1. For 32 bit JVM
(A) Please insert the agent.jar path into the start command of your remote application right after the java command.

-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/mnt/users/ajaved/jprofiler4/bin/agent.jar

(B) Please add jprofiler installation path to your LD_LIBRABRY_PATH
like add /mnt/users/ajaved/jprofiler4/bin/solaris-x86 to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

2. For 64 bit JVM
(A) Please insert the agent.jar path into the start command of your remote application right after the java command.

-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/mnt/users/ajaved/jprofiler4/bin/agent.jar

(B) Please add jprofiler installation path to your LD_LIBRABRY_PATH
like add /mnt/users/ajaved/jprofiler4/bin/solaris-x64 to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

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Explain plan for mview refresh in oracle

Explain plan for mview refresh

alter session set tracefile_identifier=ahsan

alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';

exec dbms_mview.refresh ('MY_MVIEW_NAME','C');

alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';

then go in /mnt/oracle-dev1/admin/adapp/udump
search the last file with "ahsan" in it


It will give you the output of input trace file in a readable format.

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To see the indexes for a table

To see the indexes for a table

SQL> select owner, table_name, index_name, column_name
FROM dba_ind_columns
Order by owner, table_name, column_position
Where owner=’SCOTT’
AND table_name=’EMP’;

--------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

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To convert an integer to binary string using oracle pl/sql

-- Converts a given decimal number to binary.
-- Ignores decimals - only converts integer portion of a number,
-- but it keeps the sign.

ln_max NUMBER := FLOOR ( LN ( ABS ( in_num ) ) / LN(2) );
ln_num NUMBER := ABS ( in_num );
lv_bin VARCHAR2(4000) := '0';
ln_Sign NUMBER;
IF in_num >= 0 THEN
ln_Sign := 1;
ln_Sign := -1;

FOR i IN REVERSE 0..ln_max
IF ln_num >= POWER ( 2, i ) THEN
lv_bin := lv_bin || '1';
ln_num := ln_num - POWER ( 2, i );
lv_bin := lv_bin || '0';

RETURN TO_NUMBER ( lv_bin ) * ln_Sign;
END f_to_binary;

execute it as follows
out_num NUMBER;
out_num := f_to_binary(10);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('output = ' ||out_num);

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To format the width of column in oracel query

To format the width of column in oracel query
column table_owner format a15

This will format the length of table_owner named column to 15 alphanumeric characters.

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To set pagesize in oracle sqlplus

To set pagesize
set pagesize 1

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To set the linesize in oracle sqlplus

To set the linesize
set linesize 300

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To set the server output on oracle sqlplus


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Query that gives us a list of blocking sessions and the sessions that they are blocking:

To see what session is blocking other sessions or query that gives us a list of blocking sessions and the sessions that they are blocking:

select blocking_session, sid, serial#, wait_class, seconds_in_wait From v$session
where blocking_session is not NULL order by blocking_session;

---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- --------
148 135 61521 Idle 64

In this case, we find that session 148 is blocking session 135 and has been for 64 seconds.

We would then want to find out who is running session 148, and go find them and see why they are having a problem.

to view current Oracle users
SQL> select sid, serial#, username, osuser, machine from v$session where username is not NULL;

---------- ---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------------
122 49671 GRUMPY grummy
141 45178 IMPORTANT_STUFF oracle

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To know which query is executed on a particular session

To know which query is executed on a particular session or to see what SQL queries, users are running on the system, you can execute following on sqlplus

select a.sid, a.serial#, b.sql_text from v$session a, v$sqlarea b where a.sql_address=b.address and a.username='AHSAN_REPORT';

---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------
122 61521 select count(*) from gen_person where gen_person_id=95000

Change your user name here with 'AHSAN_REPORT'

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To kill locked sessions in Oracle

To view the locked session on oracle
SQL> select oracle_username,object_id,session_id from v$locked_object;
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
AHSAN_REPORT 321876 130
AHSAN_REPORT 320431 130
AHSAN_REPORT 320429 130
AHSAN_REPORT 320427 130
AHSAN_REPORT 320415 130
AHSAN_REPORT 320413 130
6 rows selected.

Now you would like to see which objects are actually locked. For this do as follows:

SQL> select object_name from dba_objects where object_id = 321876;

After being sure that this object indeed belongs to you, you can kill it by:

1) first obtain the object Id from session.

SQL> select sid,serial# from v$session where sid=130;
---------- ----------
130 8655

2) Kill the disturbing session.

SQL> alter system kill session '130,8655';
System altered.

Now you can verify that there are no more blocked objects.

SQL> select oracle_username,object_id,session_id from v$locked_object;
no rows selected

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Find command to execute same command to multiple directories

If you want to apply a command to a directory recursively, use find.
Here's how:

find . -exec echo {} \;

The above code will execute the command "echo" on every filename in the current directory, and all subdirectories recursively.

The '.' means 'current directory' (you could put any directory name instead of it), 'echo' is a command you want to execute.
'{}' is like a variable that represents the filename for each file.

find /mnt/users/ajaved -exec echo {} \;

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Using TKPROF in Oracle

You can use tkprof utility provided by oracle to analyze your sql query execution

first generate a input trace file and then use

tkprof "input_trace_file" "output_file"

it will generate a output file for your analysis in readable format.

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Printing the context of a matching line in grep

You can use grep to print context of matching lines as follows

ggrep -A 4 -B 5 -f uniq.txt outapr.* > qasim.txt

this will print 4 lines above matching line and 5 lines below matching line.

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Screen in Unix

Screen provides multiple window capability in Unix, just like firefox provides you the capabilities of multiple tabs opened at a time
Here is how you can work with screen command

Create a screen by
screen -S "screen name" for creating a screen with name "screen name".

List all screens using
screen -ls for listing all the screens.

To attach a detatched screen
screen -dr "screenName" to attach to a screen.

To share a screen across the users
screen -x "screen name" to share the screen.

CTRL-a is the base command to work with all screen commands in unix.

CTRL-a-c to create a new window in screen

CTRL-a-d to detach from all screens and return to main shell.

CTRL-a-CTRL-a to move back and forward in your multiple windows.

CTRL-a-SHIFT-a to rename your current window.

CTRL-a-k to kill current window.

CTRL-a-SHIFT-" to navigate to all screens in a tabular fashion.

CTRL-a-num to move num window

CTRL-a-n to move to next window

CTRL-a-p to move to previous window

CTRL-a-BACKSPACE to move to previous window

You can also customize how screen window looks like. For that you have to make change to .screenrc file found in your user directory. Insert these lines in .screenrc file to have a nice looking tabs in each of your screen window.

startup_message off
vbell off
caption always "%{= bb}%{+b w}%n %h %=%t %c"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"
activity "Activity in %t(%n)"
shell -/bin/bash

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To see the index size of a table columns in oracle

Suppose you want to know the name of indexes and column names for a table in oracle,
Here is how you can do it.
Replace TEST_TABLE with your table name.


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How do I turn a path into an Ant property

For example:

<path id="tools.class.path">
<pathelement location="${xerces.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${testlet.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${tools.jar}"/>
<fileset dir="${tools.dir}/lib">
<include name="*.jar" />
<exclude name="testlet.jar"/>
<exclude name="xerces.jar"/>

It would be nice to be able to print the contents of this path, for debugging. The obvious approach:

<echo message="Classpath is ${tools.class.path}"/>

Doesn't work.

Here's how: First declare a property, referring to the path. Then print the property:

<property name="cp" refid="tools.class.path"/>
<echo message="Classpath is ${cp}"/>

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accessing system and environment vaiables in ant

Suppose you want to access your environment variable in your ant execution path.
You can do it like follows:
Access the environment using property tag of ant and then add the value of that variable to your path element.
<property environment="env">
<pathelement path="${env.PATH}:scripts">

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Ant java task to start application
I can't help you get the debugger to work when you're launching with Ant, but there are a number of ways to work around the command line problem.
One is to put all of the jars you're using into a single directory, and make that the extension directory like this:

java -Djava.ext.dirs=C:/myjardir -classpath C:/myclasses MyAppClassBe

careful though, only files with names ending in .jar will be foundin that directory, not .zip.

Rename *.zip to *.jar and they'll be found.

Another way would be to have an empty jar file in the classpath, andthe Class-Path header of its manifest file would reference all of the other jars you need, so you don't need to include them in the classpath.
See: for more info.

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Bash Shell Command to Find or Get IP address
Type /sbin/ipconfig command to display IP address:

$ /sbin/ifconfig

OR type the following command:

$ /sbin/ifconfig less

Under Solaris and other Unixish oses you may need to type ifconfig command with -a option as following:

$ /sbin/ifconfig -a

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to kill blocked process in oracle

suppose you know the session id which is blocking you program. you can kill that process using this.

select spid from v$process where addr in (select paddr from v$session where sid = 130)
and then execute

kill -9 spid

Suppose you know the session name or user name which is blocking you can kill that process like this.

select '!kill -9 ' spid from v$process where addr in ( select paddr from v$session where username='AHSAN_DEV');

this will give list of all process ids to be killed that is blocking, execute them one by one...

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assigning the output of a unix command to a shell variable

Suppose you have to obtain the output of ls command in a variable called var,
then you could do following.


echo $var

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making a logon trigger for session tracing in oracle

enable_10046_trace_trigger after logon on database
if user ='AHSAN_DEV' then
execute immediate 'alter session set timed_statistics = true';
execute immediate 'alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited';
execute immediate 'alter session set tracefile_identifier = ''AHSAN''';
execute immediate 'alter session set events ''10046 trace name context forever, level 12'' ';
end if;

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to find duplicate rows in Oracle Db


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running ftp target in ant

add commons-net-1.4.1.jar and jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar in your ant lib and use ftp task

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