Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ant java task to start application
I can't help you get the debugger to work when you're launching with Ant, but there are a number of ways to work around the command line problem.
One is to put all of the jars you're using into a single directory, and make that the extension directory like this:

java -Djava.ext.dirs=C:/myjardir -classpath C:/myclasses MyAppClassBe

careful though, only files with names ending in .jar will be foundin that directory, not .zip.

Rename *.zip to *.jar and they'll be found.

Another way would be to have an empty jar file in the classpath, andthe Class-Path header of its manifest file would reference all of the other jars you need, so you don't need to include them in the classpath.
See: for more info.

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